
6 Ways to Show Your Advertisers the Values of Print

woman reading a magazine

Marketing experts have claimed for years that print’s days are over. The truth is, despite what you hear from naysayers, for many industries, print ads are still very effective for achieving certain marketing goals.  If you are an association that continues to produce your industry magazines, you’ve likely faced more expensive paper and postage costs. […]

3 Mistakes Association Event Organizers Make and How to Fix Them

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Too many associations fall victim to the same three mistakes with their event planning process, resulting in lost time, money, and wasted growth opportunities.

Learn how to identify and correct these three common mistakes so your organization’s next event can be stronger and more profitable.

Building a Sustainable Non-Dues Revenue Program

Non-dues revenue and sales programs are opportunities for “found money” that can support association programs and deliver value to members. Enlisting a partner/expert to manage and execute can help associations overcome significant inherent challenges versus trying to do it all internally.

5 Distinctive Raffle Items for Your Next Event

Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of using the same few raffle items to lure conference attendees to learn more about our products/services and sign up for our mailing lists. So why not try something unique and different next time you’re at an Association event to help you stand out and further increase your prospecting potential?

Here are 5 distinctive raffle items you can use to make waves at your next conference or trade show.

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